Lecture (lecture only) - N.T. Wright - How Paul Invented Christian Theology

Lecture (lecture only) - N.T. Wright - How Paul Invented Christian Theology

Lecture - N.T. Wright - How Paul Invented Christian Theology

Lecture (Q&A only) - N.T. Wright - How Paul Invented Christian Theology

Paul's Background (Full Lecture) | N.T. Wright

N. T. Wright on Paul’s Trinitarian Theology

N. T. Wright on Paul and the Transformative Gospel

NT Wright & Tom Holland • How St Paul changed the world (Full Show)

N.T. Wright: Paul for Tomorrow’s World, Part 1 - Lecture

N. T. Wright on the Messiah and the People of God

An Evening with Tom Wright on 'Paul: A Biography'

N. T. Wright on the Future of the World

N.T. Wright - Paul and The Cross

APOSTLE PAUL: Letter to the Colossians - Biblical Study w/ Professor N.T. Wright

Paul: A Biography by N. T. Wright

The Apostle Paul was the anti-christ according to the first Christians

Lecture (Q&A only) - Michael Bird - Paul’s Theology Between Messianic Event and Salvation History

N.T. Wright - After you Believe: Why Christian Character Matters

NT Wright | The New Testament in Its World: How History Can Revitalize Faith (11/19/2019)

Simply Wright: 'The Jesus We Never Knew'

The Romans Road: Through the Dark Valley, N.T. Wright

Galatians in Three Dimensions | N.T. (Tom) Wright | Calvin University

Lecture (only) - Michael Bird - Paul’s Theology Between Messianic Event and Salvation History

Thomas Sowell Reverses Position On Donald Trump

Jesus vs Paul: The Origins of a Religious Schism in Early Christianity | Dr. Bart D. Ehrman